OSI /Staffordshire University Scholarship Scheme for Central and East European Countries
This scheme aims to support the reform of the higher education system in Central and East European countries by providing opportunities for younger university teachers and researchers to gain access to West European higher education and to pursue research in Economics at an advanced level, leading to an MPhil or a PhD degree. In the academic year 2011-2012, the scheme will be offered to candidates from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Province of Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Montenegro. There are five scholarships available in this round. Each year, the successful candidates will spend 3-4 months of their time at the University and the remaining part at their home institutions. Scholarships are granted for a period of up to 4 years. For further details of the MPhil/PhD programme, please see the following web-site:
The OSF will cover the cost of travel (including the cost of obtaining a UK visa) and provide them with a maintenance grant and a book allowance during their stay in the United Kingdom, and a thesis allowance at the time of submitting their thesis. The OSF and Staffordshire University will jointly cover the tuition fee, health insurance cost and the cost of supervision, including the annual visit to the candidate’s home institution.
- Monetary policy and the financial sector
- European economics
- International trade, competitiveness and economic development
- Economic consequences of national and ethnic conflicts
- Economics of small and medium sized firms and SME policy
- Entrepreneurship
Further information and application forms are available from the address below or directly from Staffordshire University website (http://www.staffs.ac.uk/schools/business). Completed applications should be submitted to Staffordshire University or the address below by 24th January 2010.