The conference, to take place on 25-31 August at Euroclub, Solta, Croatia, aims at empowering young people to promote solidarity and tolerance taking part in active citizenship in their countries and in the European Union and at to supporting the development of youth activities focused on targeting problems of human rights violations and discrimination among the young population.
Youth activists and Youth leaders between 16 and 20 years of age from Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia and Greece are invited to take part in conference ‘Speak up for Tolerance’ funded by European Commission within Youth in Action programme and organised by Zagreb Debating Union in cooperation with Open Communication, Youth Educational Forum and Debating Society of Greece.
The conference, to take place on 25-31 August at Euroclub, Solta, Croatia, aims at empowering young people to promote solidarity and tolerance taking part in active citizenship in their countries and in the European Union and at to supporting the development of youth activities focused on targeting problems of human rights violations and discrimination among the young population.
Elected participants would go through series of trainings aimed to empower young activists to take concrete actions in dealing with discrimination in their societies. Trainings would be centered on the following themes: anti-discrimination policies, gender equality and discrimination based on sexual orientation. The second series of training will be focused on providing different strategies for advocacy of youth policies and promoting active citizenship. Participants would also be trained to use different communication and advocacy skills in order to achieve their aims. The activity would include lectures, workshops, non-formal education methods and energizers, planned and conducted by trainers, experts and facilitators, with the active involvement of participants.
Here you may fill in your application.
The Deadline for application is 7 August 2014 by midnight.